Meet the Owner

I was driven to create “Complete Body Wellness” in 2018 after 13 years working as a Physical Therapist Assistant. My time there revealed an overwhelming number of people desperately searching for the source of their pain, suffering side effects of pain medications,  experiencing chronic inflammation, and often resigning themselves to a belief that there was no explanation for their condition. I realized that I could empower these people through education, guidance, and specialized therapeutic techniques. With specializing in the foundation of how the MIND and BODY operates by releasing and balancing the pelvis, spinal, and cranial flow and its surrounding environment through Myofascial Release Therapy, Functional Mobilization and Neuromuscular Massage along with health coaching focusing in gut health and inflammation, allows the body’s to transform and self-correct. I needed to give them the opportunity to create a new and better life through the transformation of their bodies.

I would not be where I am today without suffering my own health issues and limitations. I was experiencing chronic and acute thoracic outlet syndrome, bilateral wrist tendonitis, chronic neck and upper back pain, overactive auto-immune system, and “unexplained infertility.” I broke free of my suffering and took a path of healing from the chronic pain cycle by figuring out the cause of my overactive immune system. I began taking control of my diet and removed what was triggering an autoimmune response in my gut. I supported my body’s change with Myofascial Release Therapy to break down tissue adhesions and muscle imbalances that were causing fascial and skeletal dysfunctions. After finding the “Dr. Allen Beer Center” I underwent extensive autoimmune testing and discovered I had an overactive immune system. The recommended solution to my problem was prescription medication with unbearable side effects.

Motivated to find a solution without side effects I experimented with my diet and removed trigger foods that started my gut healing journey. This changed my life and resolved my daily inflammatory response. My joints became less painful and after releasing tissue adhesions caused by cellular inflammation, I gained a new level of mobility and strength. The change improved my mental clarity, I experienced happier moods, my digestive efficiency improved and my body rid itself of sluggish fluids.  Removing my dietary autoimmune triggers and taking the right steps to repair my body made my life enjoyable. Now, life is sweeter and much more vibrant!  

​What is limiting you from being your full self? What will improve your experiences in life?

Let’s work together to answer those questions!

Training and Education

  • Unwinding: MFR John F. Barnes 2018
  • Myofascial Release I: MFR John F Barnes 2018
  • License Massage Therapy-Milan Institute 2017
  • Certified Health Coach- Health Coach Institute 2017
  • Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release- MFR John F. Barnes 2017
  • Functional Mobilization Part I and II: Physical Art Institute 2012
  • The McKenzie Method Part A: Lumbar Spine 2007; Part B: Cervical and Thoracic Spine 2010
  • Credentialed Clinical Instructor-APTA 2010
  • Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner- Kinesio Taping Association 2009
  • Associate of Science in Physical Therapy Assistant- Sacramento City College 2005