Experience healing through the naturopathic and holistic techniques of Dr. Cruz including scalp and ear acupuncture as well as ear seeding.
Why Scalp and Ear Acupuncture Works?
With over 200 acupressure points, the ear is a microsystem of the entire body. Through these pressure points, Dr. Cruz treats conditions in all areas of the body. With acupuncture Dr. Cruz uses needles to stimulate the body and engage the natural healing abilities stored in your cells. These specific pressure points on the ear and scalp send signals to the reflex centers of the brain to reduce stress and anxiety, regulate digestion and hormones, support sleep, subdue pain and so much more!
Non invasive ear seeding produces similar effects as acupuncture through the same acupressure points, without the use of needles. This also allows for continuous treatment on the go.
What can I expect from acupuncture?
With a 2,000 year history there are many models and methods of practicing acupuncture. Not only are the techniques or each practitioner different but the application for each patient will vary based on your needs. You will have an initial assessment to learn the current needs of your body and will develop a plan to start your body towards wellness and have your first session to start healing immediately. Most clients comment about the relief of pain and the sensations of new energy during the process.
What can acupuncture help heal?
Acupuncture has a 2,000 year history and in that time has helped countless people with a wide range of health problems. Here are some of the conditions people have seen success treating with acupuncture:
Treatable Medical Conditions:
- Pain Management
- Headaches
- Anxiety and Stress Management
- Insomnia
- Smoking/Substance Control Protocols
- Weight Loss Protocol
- Hormonal imbalance
- Digestive health
- Poor Concentration
- Active lifestyle recovery
- Regain energy
- Nerve damage
- Rehabilitation of Central Nervous System
Other treatments used in conjunction with acupuncture:
- Ear Seeding
- Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Recommendations
30 minute Sessions:
You will have an initial assessment to learn the current needs of your body and will develop a plan to start your body towards wellness and have your first session to start healing immediately. Complimentary ear seeding included.
Single Treatments OR Package of SIX offered at a DISCOUNTED PRICE
Ear Seeding (Al a carte):
- Skin Tone or Gold Plated (24 karate) AVAILABLE
A Super Bill is Provided for “Out of Network” Acupuncture Benefits for Insurance Reimbursement
Please call your insurance company ahead of time to learn about your benefits!
Call to learn about pricing and packages! (209)210-2116