Christon Eslinger, PTA, CMT, and Certified Health Coach is owner of Complete Body Wellness. With an expensive background in physical therapy specializing in Myofascial Release Therapy and Functional Mobilization. She works together with her TEAM to help address your health and wellness goals in order to see optimal results. Her and her practitioners stay current with the latest researched techniques, attend classes, schedule workshops and trade sessions to learn and grow.
We are passionate to provide you the alternative therapy and guidance to pull you forward into a life you desire through a whole body approach!
Christon Eslinger, PTA, CMT, CKTP, Certified Health Coach– CBW Founder
Myofascial Release/Functional Mobilization Rehab Therapist- Pelvic and Spinal Health, Women’s Health Pelvic Reset, Kinesio Taping and Health Coach
Janessa Perry, CMT- Therapeutic Massage Therapist/Medical and Lymphatic Certified
April Laughlin, CMT- Therapeutic/Advanced Deep Tissue Massage Therapist, Cupping
Sheri Crump, CMT- Therapeutic/Advanced Deep Tissue Massage Therapist, Cupping
Kayla Valdez, Licensed Esthetician- Skin Therapy
Dr. David Cruz, NPD., practicing Naturopathic Doctor, Treatments, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Vitamin Injections
Lisa Roper – Certified Nutrition Coach with Gut Health Emphasis
Complete Body Wellness requires an understanding of GUT HEALTH and the complex balance along with interconnected nature of the systems of the body. Lisa’s wealth of experience from 20 years in the health and wellness industry has empowered her to guide clients through a wide variety of circumstances and equipped her to consider health and wellness from a big picture perspective.
Working with Lisa is a partnership to improve your health. Remember that you are your greatest investment!
Programs and services led by Lisa:
- Weight Loss Management Program
- Disease/Health Issues Management Program
- Meal Planning And Prepping Classes
- Detox Programs
- Gut Healing Protocol Training
- One on One Health Coaching
- Empowerment Sessions and Workshops (Calendar To be announced)
With the right TOOLS the right RESOURCES and the right INFORMATION you will SUCCEED